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About this Blog

Photo of Chris Gerwel and Macduff By day, I’m a mild-mannered software executive and school trustee. By night, I’m a voracious reader and writer of science fiction, fantasy, horror. I love mythology, anthropology monographs, manga, comic books, and pretty much anything else that I can lay my hands on.

I can typically be found in New Jersey, with my lovely wife (who shall remain nameless since she works in the publishing industry) and Macduff, the rambunctious puppy.

Every Tuesday, I post some thoughts on speculative fiction, or writing, or reading. Now and again, I post random thoughts on other matters, although they usually relate in some way back to either science fiction, fantasy, horror, art, or pop culture. Apart from this blog, I also write a weekly column on Amazing Stories called Crossroads that focuses on genre mash-ups, and I can be found on Twitter as @KgElfland2ndCuz.

And yes, FWIW this blog’s title is a reference to Lord Dunsany’s The King of Elfland’s Daughter.